Great Friends, Great Releases

Friday, 12/17

Some great friends and clients (God, I hate that word) are doing some great stuff lately. Two timely ones I’d like to quickly mention are Lazër and 41 Gorgeous Blocks.

41GB have a brand new album called This Kills Me, which is by far their greatest release to date (they’ve done about 7 releases to date, all great in their own ways, but this one is the Magnum Opus.) If you’ve never checked out 41GB, this is a great introduction. Knowing these guys, and their various highs and lows both collectively as a band and as individuals, there are songs that literally brought tears to my eyes. You can order it online HERE. Highly recommended. For the first time ever, we didn’t do the art on this one, but change is always good and the layout, the photography especially, looks great.

The other gang of superdudes, which I’ve brought up a couple of times before, are Lazër. Their latest Ice-Planet-designed album, Twatobahn, is doing great, and they are working it with a ton of great performances and press appearances. You can pick up Twatobahn HERE. I’d recommend the “Deluxe Model”, for all the great extras, but whatever floats your boat. Most Importantly, Lazër will be rocking the hell out of the Curtain Club TONIGHT, so it would be the perfect opportunity to check them out at a great venue. It’s a spectacle you will never forget. Here’s a hilarious review corroborating that fact.

So basically, just wanted to draw some more attention to both of these great bands and friends, both well worth your attention. Ice Planet Officially Endorses their Radness!

One Comment

  1. Deedle says:

    Ah shucks, now I’m going to cry.

    Thanks dude!


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